::Diego's Website::

Hello World!

Posted October 25, 2022

Unit projects Fotomatic and Company Page have been uploaded, but they are still under construction. Fotomatic involves fixing a broken page to make it device-responsive. Company Page requires building a company web page from scratch. Links will open in new tab. Added web projects links to the Hobbies section.

Posted September 30, 2022

Just finished my Codecademy project, "The Tea Cozy". It consists of building a web page according to redline drawing specifications. It can be viewed here. Link will open in new tab.

Posted September 14, 2022

Site update: Added a Rock section to the Pictures page and created a Study Sheet page to keep notes in.

Posted September 12, 2022

Site update: changed fonts, text colors, line height, and word spacing. Adjusted the padding and margins on some elements.

Posted August 24, 2022

Hi, my name's Diego. I am learning the basics of web design and am working on this website as a learning project. I will regularly add content and improve the look as I learn more things!